Monday, July 18, 2011


Wow! we are almost half way through the summer! And I have so much work to do. There are so many great projects on the table and of course my goal is to get the "all" done by September.

For you sewing enthusiast, September is "National Sewing Month" and in celebration of the event they are having a sewing contest - "Sew for the Love of It". I've decided to show my love of this great craft by designing a coat. The trick is to complete it by the start of the submission date: August 10, 2011.

Let's see what else is on the project table? O yeah. I have my decoupage handbags. I'm not too sure if these bags should be called decoupage...but, once I get them done and posted, maybe you all can help me with a proper name.

Starting in August, I will be getting my sewing kits together for Fall classes. I will be listing the upcoming classes very soon. They also will be in the Saratoga Springs School District Continuing Education Catalog. I think they get mailed out in late August/early September.

One more thing, I'm in the process of updating my website - So if you shall visit in the meantime, please bare with me. I'm doing a new logo and adding/deleting some products.

Last, but not least, thank you all for visiting. And a special shoutout to all of my Twitter followers and the following. I'm slowing but surely growing and the daily words of inspiration that you all are tweeting ... it really encourages me to keep pushing on.

Stay Blessed.