Friday, March 15, 2013

Hello to All You Ladies who are participating in the Mad Men Sewing Challenge.  I just found out that Katie Couric is having a Mad Men event on her show on April 22nd.  If any of us are lucky maybe we can get tickets.  Mmmm.....yeah right. : )  I did put in a request anyway.  Wouldn't it be great if we can go as a group and show our finished garments?  Anyway, we can at least tune in on April 22 and enjoy the show from at home.  


Special Audience Events

April 22, 2013
Do you go crazy for Donald Draper? Are you glued to your TV every week waiting to watch the drama unfold at Sterling Cooper? Tell us why you love Mad Men and you could see them LIVE on the Katie stage!

Wednesday, March 13, 2013

From Shorts to Skirt in 90 Minutes

A friend of mine is leaving for Florida and wanted to transform a pair of her shorts into a skirt. I thought she was actually leaving on Friday, but she's leaving tomorrow. I could not have her go without her skirt, so I quickly stitched up the center front and back seams. Place her chosen mudcloth pieces, as she chose and stitched. At first I thought would use a zigzag stitch around the edge, then decided that a nice straight stitch would work better. Not too bad for a 90 minute job, huh?.


I'll have to have her send me a pic when she has it on.  I hung it up in front of me and it hangs pretty well, with a slight drape at the center front.  It was fast and fun.  I plan to do some more skirts before the Summer hits.  BUT with putting much more time in it.